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Blake Baptist Church services are Sunday morning Sunday School 10 am Church Service 11am Sunday & Wednesday Evening 7pm


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I read this in my study Bible this morning and wanted to share it. (Vera) Satan's Plan Against Us Doubt: Makes you question God's Word and his goodness Discouragement: Makes you look at your problems rather than at God Diversion: Makes the wrong things seem attractive so that you will want them more than the right things. Defeat: Makes you feel like a failure so that you don't even try Delay: Makes you put off doing something so that is never gets done. Prayers against Satan's Plans! Our God is so much MIGHTIER than Satan. Praise the LORD.


June 4, 2019 Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 Darnell entered the physical therapist’s office knowing he would experience a lot of pain. The therapist stretched and bent his arm and held it in positions it hadn’t been in for months since his injury. After holding each uncomfortable position for a few seconds, she gently told him: “Okay, you can relax.” He said later, “I think I heard that at least fifty times in each therapy session: ‘Okay, you can relax.’ ” Thinking of those words, Darnell realized they could apply to the rest of his life as well. He could relax in God’s goodness and faithfulness instead of worrying. As Jesus neared His death, He knew His disciples would need to learn this. They’d soon face a time of upheaval and persecution. To encourage them, Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit to live with them and remind them of what He had taught (John 14:26). And so He could say, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. . . . Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (v. 27). There’s plenty we could be uptight about in our everyday lives. But we can grow in our trust in God by reminding ourselves that His Spirit lives in us—and He offers us His peace. As we draw on His strength, we can hear Him in the therapist’s words: “Okay, you can relax.” By Anne Cetas (ODB)


Happy Birthday Tom Lawyer (June 4) Have a great day.


Ask, Seek, Knock Oh Heavenly Father I'm the child from the parable; You are the Father who will give good gifts to Your children when we ask You. WHen I ask for help from You, it's as scary and as easy as asking my earthly father. You may not give me what I ask for, but You will give me what is best. I may knock on Your door, asking You to end a specific war, Instead, You give me Yourself. the Prince of Peace, dwelling in me and one day ruling the world. You give me the answer to what I seek, not the means I think is best. And how I thank You that Your wisdom knows the difference. Amen! (Darlene Franklin) Matthew 7 7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. 9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? 10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? 11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?


I LOVE this prayer wall and this message! I can not even imagine how great it feels to erase every answered prayer! Angie Douthit James 5:16 “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Yesterday was a special day. My cousin Sam turned 40. Therefore we, along with other family members, attended his church to hear him preach. I love going there. They have an amazing church. My favorite place is their “Prayer Room”. Sam showed it to me last year with my name on the wall! They write on chalk walls so when your prayers r answered you can erase it. I went to find my name yesterday, a year later. It was there, letting me know this church was still praying for me. The funny thing was I had been up all night with chemo stomach. Once again, I could’ve stayed home but God told me we were supposed to go. It was a great service. While we were eating lunch Brad looked at me and said, “That message was for me. I truly needed this today.” Wow, I’m so happy we went. And, I’m so thankful for that prayer room. Do you have a special place to pray? Is it a priority for u? I pray all the time. I honestly don’t what else to do. When God is all you have, God is all we need. Today pray for others. Share your prayer requests. Encourage others to get up and not miss out on the great things in life. Have a great day! #alwaysbekind #staystrongmightywarrior #itsonlycancer


A big thank you to our Church Family for sending us to Baptist Hill Day Camp. We had a great experience and Tyler loved every minute. What a fun time and we learned too! Keith, Vera and Tyler Here are a couple of videos / picts.


Angie Douthit Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” This is my favorite Eagle Scout, my nephew Nate Smith. I was so thankful that I was able to go. He has worked for 12 years to complete this huge feat. I’m so proud of him. But my happiest moment came after the service. I hugged him and congratulated him. He looked me in the eyes and said, “Aunt Angie, do you remember last year when were in the hospital? You told me to promise that I would finish my Eagle Scout. Now here I am!” He made my heart melt. I remember last year he was thinking that it was too much. That maybe it wasn’t possible. Now look at him! He did it. God is so amazing. He never wants us to give up. It’s hard sometimes because we do become weary and we lose heart. But a glorious harvest awaits if we do not give up. Today, whatever it is that’s making you want to quit or give up, don’t let it win! Keep on keepin on. Finish your goals. Reach your dreams. Keep doing good. A harvest awaits if we don’t give up. You see, I had a horrifying headache all morning. It would’ve been easy to stay home and miss Nate getting his Eagle Scout. I would’ve missed out on him telling me what he did. I would’ve missed out on a huge blessing. And, my headache went away when we got there anyway. Don’t become weary in doing good. #alwaysbekind #staystrongmightywarrior #itsonlycancer


June 2, 2019 God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 When her beautiful brown skin started losing its color, a young woman felt frightened, as if she were disappearing or losing her “self.” With heavy makeup, she covered up “my spots,” as she called them—patches of lighter skin caused by a condition called vitiligo. It’s a loss of skin pigment, melanin, which gives skin its tone. Then one day, she asked herself: Why hide? Relying on God’s strength to accept herself, she stopped wearing heavy makeup. Soon she began gaining attention for her self-confidence. Eventually she became the first spokesmodel with vitiligo for a global cosmetics brand. “It’s such a blessing,” she told a TV news host, adding that her faith, family, and friends are the ways she finds encouragement. This woman’s story invites us to remember that we each are created in God’s image. “God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). No matter what we look like on the outside, all of us are image-bearers of God. As His created persons, we reflect His glory; and as believers in Jesus we are being transformed to represent Him in the world. Do you struggle to love the skin you’re in? Today, look in the mirror and smile for God. He created you in His image. By Patricia Raybon (ODB)


Angie Douthit Isaiah 41:13 “For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear I will help you.” I finished my first round of the new chemo. Thank goodness for a holiday on Monday, I only had to go four days instead of 5. I get 21 days off. Then we start another 5 day round. In the pic I’m showing the Neulasta device I wear for 27 hours to help with immunity. Look at it good, it costs $14,000. This new chemo was a bit harsh. I threw up this morning for the first time. The other chemo never did that. I’ve had an extremely messed up stomach all day. However! I was still able to mow my 93 year old friends yard. With my self propelled mower it’s not bad. Then I used the rider to do my yard. I was also able to march around my house 7 times and pray for my family and for healing. Not only healing for me, but also for you. No fishing today as I can’t get my extremely expensive device wet. So I finished the rest of the day resting. Everyone was gone so I rested and talked to God. He told me how hard it was for him to see us be sick and how difficult it is for him to not answer our prayers immediately. He loves us so much. He’s working out the perfect master plan specifically for us. We only need to trust him. I know chemo is not supposed to be easy. But praise God, you can’t keep his soldiers down. Whatever uncomfortable situation you may be in today, don’t give up. God will give you strength that will amaze not only you, but everyone else. Rise up soldier and be strong. You and God can do anything according to his will. #alwaysbekind #staystrongmightywarrior #itsonlycancer


May 31, 2019 I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land. Deuteronomy 15:11 On the outskirts of Paris, as in other cities around the globe, people are coming to the aid of the homeless in their communities. Clothing, covered in waterproof bags, is hung on designated fences for those living on the streets to take according to their needs. The bags are labeled, “I’m not lost; I’m for you if you’re cold.” The effort not only warms those without shelter, but also teaches those in the community the importance of assisting the needy among them. The Bible highlights the importance of caring for those who are poor, instructing us to be “openhanded” toward them (Deuteronomy 15:11). We might be tempted to avert our eyes to the plight of the poor, holding tightly to our resources instead of sharing them. Yet God challenges us to recognize that we will always be surrounded by those who have needs and therefore to respond to them with generosity, not a “grudging heart” (v. 10). Jesus says that in giving to the poor we receive an enduring treasure in heaven (Luke 12:33). Our generosity may not be recognized by anyone other than God. Yet when we give freely, we not only meet the needs of those around us but we also experience the joy God intends for us in providing for others. Help us, Lord, to have open eyes and open hands to supply the needs of those You place in our paths! By Kirsten Holmberg (ODB)


Angie Douthit Hebrews 6:15 “And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.” This is a pic of what I looked at for 7 hours. Two days ago the fish were biting great. So after chemo we headed back to the lake. But this day was different. They were biting slowly. We waited 7 hours for 6 fish, that we threw back. We still had a great time. However being patient is often difficult. I looked out over the splendor and beautiful landscape of the lake. So peaceful. But waiting can be tough. We wait for many things. We wait for God’s promises to come true. And, often we wait, and we wait, and we wait. But this scripture says that after Abraham waited patiently he received his promise. What promises are you waiting on? I know many of u have illnesses like me. We r waiting on healing. Many of you are waiting on deliverance and freedom. Don’t lose heart and never give up. God is working it all out, on his timeframe and his will. We just need to be patient. While your waiting on your promises, help someone else wait on theirs. Enjoy the ride. Good things usually come to those wait! Share your story with others. Love like there’s no tomorrow. Be patient. #alwaysbekind #staystrongmightywarrior #itsonlycancer


May 30, 2019 We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19 For years I wore a shield of fear to protect my heart. It became an excuse to avoid trying new things, following my dreams, and obeying God. But fear of loss, heartache, and rejection hindered me from developing loving relationships with God and others. Fear made me an insecure, anxious, and jealous wife, and an overprotective, worrying mother. As I continue learning how much God loves me, however, He’s changing the way I relate to Him and to others. Because I know God will care for me, I feel more secure and willing to place the needs of others before mine. God is love (1 John 4:7–8). Christ’s death on the cross—the ultimate demonstration of love—displays the depth of His passion for us (vv. 9–10). Because God loves us and lives in us, we can love others based on who He is and what He’s done (vv. 11–12). When we receive Jesus as our Savior, He gives us His Holy Spirit (vv. 13–15). As the Spirit helps us know and rely on God’s love, He makes us more like Jesus (vv. 16–17). Growing in trust and faith can gradually eliminate fear, simply because we know without a doubt that God loves us deeply and completely (vv. 18–19). As we experience God’s personal and unconditional love for us, we grow and can risk relating to Him and others with fearless love. By Xochitl Dixon (ODB)


Angie Douthit Matthew 4:19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Today was full of surprises. I asked for prayer on the way to chemo that I would meet someone to share the love of God with, and that the new chemo wouldn’t make me sick. Well, I don’t know what they put in my steroids and nausea meds before the chemo, but I felt better when I left the chemo lab than I did all last week. I even ate breakfast, lunch, and supper. In the mean time, I met with a dear friend and she prayed a precious prayer for me. Then Brad, Gan, and I went fishing. It’s our favorite hobby. Gan caught this Monstrous fish basically all by himself. He cut up his bait, baited his hook, hooked the fish, and reeled it in while he and papa landed it. I’ve never seen a kid so excited. It was priceless. A 7yr old catching a 23lb fish is unforgettable in his eyes. (Don’t worry PETA, we released him). I thought of how God has allowed me to fish for people on this crazy cancer journey. I have been so blessed to meet so many amazing people. I love telling others how much God loves them. So, I guess Brad and I were definitely meant to be together. Two fishermen on the same journey! How about you? Are you fishing for people? Or are you fishing for excuses? You’ll never regret sharing the love of Christ with someone. But we all regret the times we didn’t. Be the person God created you to be. Stay strong warrior! #alwaysbekind #staystrongmightywarrior #itsonlycancer


Angie Douthit Matthew 4:19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Today was full of surprises. I asked for prayer on the way to chemo that I would meet someone to share the love of God with, and that the new chemo wouldn’t make me sick. Well, I don’t know what they put in my steroids and nausea meds before the chemo, but I felt better when I left the chemo lab than I did all last week. I even ate breakfast, lunch, and supper. In the mean time, I met with a dear friend and she prayed a precious prayer for me. Then Brad, Gan, and I went fishing. It’s our favorite hobby. Gan caught this Monstrous fish basically all by himself. He cut up his bait, baited his hook, hooked the fish, and reeled it in while he and papa landed it. I’ve never seen a kid so excited. It was priceless. A 7yr old catching a 23lb fish is unforgettable in his eyes. (Don’t worry PETA, we released him). I thought of how God has allowed me to fish for people on this crazy cancer journey. I have been so blessed to meet so many amazing people. I love telling others how much God loves them. So, I guess Brad and I were definitely meant to be together. Two fishermen on the same journey! How about you? Are you fishing for people? Or are you fishing for excuses? You’ll never regret sharing the love of Christ with someone. But we all regret the times we didn’t. Be the person God created you to be. Stay strong warrior! #alwaysbekind #staystrongmightywarrior #itsonlycancer


Angie Douthit 2 Timothy 2:3 “Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.” These are my two favorite Veterans. Grandpa served in WWII and Dad served in Vietnam. Their memories of those they have lost in their life journeys is immense. They both make sure flowers are put on the graves of their loved ones. I met dad at the cemetery and was in awe of the beautiful flags all over the place. It was refreshing to see people supporting our amazing country. So many have given their lives for our freedom. Just like Jesus did. He gave his very life so we can be free. He shed his blood so we can be forgiven. He gladly laid down his life to save us. Be thankful for our fallen soldiers. Be thankful for the incredible people in your life who have already gone on. Promise to live your life so that it matters. Be an inspiration to someone. Encourage others. Be full of love and forgiveness. Live a life of freedom! You are forgiven and free! Be thankful for Jesus sacrifice. #alwaysbekind #staystrongmightywarrior #itsonlycancer


May 28, 2019 16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you John 14 While writing a Bible guide for pastors in Indonesia, a writer friend grew fascinated with that nation’s culture of togetherness. Called gotong royong—meaning “mutual assistance”—the concept is practiced in villages, where neighbors may work together to repair someone’s roof or rebuild a bridge or path. In cities too my friend said, “People always go places with someone else—to a doctor’s appointment, for example. It’s the cultural norm. So you’re never alone.” Worldwide, believers in Jesus rejoice in knowing we also are never alone. Our constant and forever companion is the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Far more than a loyal friend, the Spirit of God is given to every follower of Christ by our heavenly Father to “help you and be with you forever” (John 14:16). Jesus promised God’s Spirit would come after His own time on Earth ended. “I will not leave you as orphans,” Jesus said (v. 18). Instead, the Holy Spirit—“the Spirit of Truth” who “lives with you and will be in you”—indwells each of us who receives Christ as Savior (v. 17). The Holy Spirit is our Helper, Comforter, Encourager, and Counselor—a constant companion in a world where loneliness can afflict even connected people. May we forever abide in His comforting love and help. By Patricia Raybon


Angie Douthit Colossians 3:12 “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” It was a wonderful Sunday. We got to hear my son-in-law preach a great message. Then we had the privilege of celebrating my favorite twins (niece and nephew)HS graduation and 18th birthday. Two big milestones. I’m so proud of them. They are wonderful humans raised by wonderful parents. Some of the greatest things you can teach your children is to clothe themselves with compassion. Teach them to be kind. Show them humility. Cover them with gentleness. Display to them great patience. You aren’t to just tell them to do these things. You must demonstrate it in your own life. Children do what you do, not what you say. Imagine if every child was raised with these virtues, bullying would cease to exist. Today enjoy being alive. We finished our evening by taking all 10 adults and all 9 children to see Aladdin. It was so fun and amazing to share that experience with my family. Keep smiling and keep being the fun person you were created to be. #alwaysbekind #staystrongmightywarrior #itsonlycancer


May 27, 2019 David asked, “Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan's sake?” 2 Samuel 9:1 I grew up in a church full of traditions. One came into play when a beloved family member or friend died. Often a church pew or possibly a painting in a hallway showed up not long afterward with a brass plate affixed: “In Memory of . . .” The deceased’s name would be etched there, a shining reminder of a life passed on. I always appreciated those memorials. And I still do. Yet at the same time they’ve always given me pause because they are static, inanimate objects, in a very literal sense something “not alive.” Is there a way to add an element of “life” to the memorial? Following the death of his beloved friend Jonathan, David wanted to remember him and to keep a promise to him (1 Samuel 20:12–17). But rather than simply seek something static, David searched and found something very much alive—a son of Jonathan (2 Samuel 9:3). David’s decision here is dramatic. He chose to extend kindness (v. 1) to Mephibosheth (vv. 6–7) in the specific forms of restored property (“all the land that belonged to your grandfather Saul”) and the ongoing provision of food and drink (“you will always eat at my table”). As we continue to remember those who’ve died with plaques and paintings, may we also recall David’s example and extend kindness to those still living. By John Blase (ODB)


Happy Memorial Day Count your blessings and give thanks.


Worry is believing God can't. Spoiler alert: God can! Trust in him.


Aquí puedes encontrar fotos de Blake Baptist Church:


Aquí puedes encontrar videos de Blake Baptist Church:

The Men's Special this morning. (A snippet) I always love to hear them sing.

Second Special Easter Sunday Sung by Angie Shields (Congregation on the refrain) Thank you Angie for blessing us with this song.

First Special on Easter Sunday Sung by Larry and Nathan. Great job guys! (Short clip)

5th Sunday Singing Mariea Palmer and Friends Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord

Todays Blessing

Men singing How Great Thou Art

Christmas Program 2018

Older kids class, singing to the Nativity Program

Christmas Program 2018


Christmas Program 2018

Special Music: The Men

Christmas Program 2018


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Restaurantes cercano

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Ghetto Tacos
555 S Main St, Webb City
Latinoamericano, Mexicano
Han The Sushi Man
1901 E 32nd St, Ste 7, Joplin
Asiático, Sushi
The Bruncheonette
424 N Main St, Joplin
Desayuno, Brunch
Downtown Burgers
212 S Main St, Joplin
Asiático, Hamburguesa, Comida rápida
WiestSide BBQ
2613 N Range Line Rd, Joplin
Americano, Barbacoa
Mythos Joplin
1306 S Range Line Rd, Joplin
Americano, Europeo, Griego, Italiano
Chick-fil-A Range Line Road
2127 S Range Line Rd, Joplin
Comida rápida
Instant Karma Gourmet Hot Dogs
527 S Main St, Joplin
Americano, Asiático, Hamburguesa, Comida casera, Perritos calientes
Hackett Hot Wings & Sports Room
520 S Main St, Joplin
Red Onion Cafe
203 E 4th St, Joplin
Fired Up.
1612 S Madison, Suite E, Webb City
Bufé, Comida casera, Pizza
Mojo Burger Co
702 S Maiden Ln, Joplin
Americano, Asiático, Hamburguesa, Comida rápida
Crabbys Seafood Bar & Grill - Joplin, MO
815 W 7th St, Joplin
Americano, Marisco
Club 609
609 S Main St, Joplin
The Woodshed
311 S Main St, Carthage
Asiático, Hamburguesa
Los Lunas Mexican Restaurant Inc - Joplin
2705 s Range Line Rd, Joplin
1220 E 15th St, Joplin
Americano, Barbacoa, Estilo familiar
Webb City Gringos
1401 S Madison St, Webb City
Comida rápida, Tex-mex
Red Hot & Blue- Joplin, MO
2601 S Range Line Rd, Joplin
Americano, Barbacoa, Sureño
Undercliff Grill & Bar
6385 Old Highway 71, Joplin
Americano, Asiático, Hamburguesa
Maria's Mexican Grill & Cantina Joplin
1901 E 32nd St, Joplin
Texas Roadhouse - Joplin
3315 S Range Line Rd, Joplin
Tokyo Japanese Steak House
511 North Range Line Road, Joplin
Asiático, Estilo familiar, Sushi
Habaneros Mexican Grill
100 Lincoln St, Carthage
Sakura Sushi & Grill Japanese Restaurant
1802 W 32nd St, Joplin
Asiático, Sushi
Hoteles cercano
Agentes de bienes raices cercano

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Genuine Realty, Inc
6055 N. Main St Rd, Webb City
Agente de bienes raíces
Lisa Fletcher Team, Keller Williams Realty of SWMO
619 S Florida Avenue, Joplin
Agente de bienes raíces, Servicio de bienes raíces
Higdon Real Estate Group
2401 E 32nd St, Ste 1, Joplin
Agente de bienes raíces
Just Call Jo LLC Homes and Real Estate, Keller Williams Realty Joplin
416 Ruby Rd, Carl Junction
Agente de bienes raíces
The Jonathan Leach Team
619 S Florida Ave, Joplin
Agente de bienes raíces
Hubbard Realty Group - Keller Williams Realty of SWMO
619 S Florida Ave, Joplin
Agente de bienes raíces, Servicio de bienes raíces
Cody Smith, Realtor
206 Grant, Carthage
Agente de bienes raíces
Torix Realty Group - Joplin
619 S. Florida, Joplin
Agente de bienes raíces, Inmobiliaria, Servicio de bienes raíces
Elle Saults, Realtor
2464 W Whitten Rd, Carthage
Agente de bienes raíces
Mayflower Apartments
602 W 5th St, Joplin
Servicio de bienes raíces
Charles Burt Homefolks
2042 S Garrison Ave, Carthage
Agente de bienes raíces
Nathan Scott, Realtor
2042 S Garrison Ave, Carthage, MO 64836, Carthage
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Rachel Moffett- Realtor
101 W. Airport Dr., Suite 1, Carthage
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Keri Ralston Re/Max Classic
2102 S Garrison, Carthage
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Howerton Realty Group - Keller Williams Realty
619 S Florida, Joplin
Agente de bienes raíces, Servicio de bienes raíces
J.R. Collins, Realtor
206 Grant St, Carthage
Agencia inmobiliaria comercial, Agente de bienes raíces
Pam Millard, Realtor
2300 East 7th St, Joplin
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Kent Eastman Realtor
619 S Florida Ave, Joplin
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Ferguson Real Estate, LLC School
619 Florida Ave., Joplin
Agente de bienes raíces
Jodi Farmer, Keller Williams Realty of SWMO
619 S Florida Ave, Joplin
Agente de bienes raíces
Jill Childs at Keller Williams of SWMO
619 S. Florida, Joplin
Agente de bienes raíces
Keller Williams Realty Amanda Burrow
619 S Florida ave, Joplin
Agente de bienes raíces
Robert Dodson, Realtor-Keller Williams Realty of SWMO
619 S Florida Ave, Joplin
Agente de bienes raíces
Brookman Real Estate Company
1329 E 32nd St, Ste 1, Joplin
Agente de bienes raíces
Murphy Alvis, Realtor - NextHome Somo Life
1818 E 4th St, Joplin
Agente de bienes raíces
Peluqueros cercano

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Salon 529
529 S Main St, Joplin
Peluquería, Salón de uñas
The Brush and Blade
1027 S Main St, Ste 101, Joplin
Barbería, Peluquería
The Hair Studio Salon & Spa
1508 S Main St, Joplin
Tienda de artículos de belleza, Servicio de extensiones capilares, Peluquería
Dr. Flys Salon
102 N Rangeline Rd, Joplin
Tienda de cosméticos, Peluquería, Salón de uñas
Hair by Kelsey Johnson
111 W Daugherty, Webb City
Halo Salon
2206 S Maple St Suite A, Carthage
T's one stop barbershop
809 S Main St, Joplin
Barbería, Peluquería
The Barbershop Joplin
3025 S Main St, Joplin
Barbería, Peluquería
City Pointe Beauty Academy
501 S Madison St, Webb City
Salón de belleza
Bri Thurlo-Textur Salon
111 West Daugherty st, Webb City
Peluquería, Salón de uñas
The One Salon
2217 South Main Street Suite B, Joplin
Morgan Roberts at Textur Salon Joplin
1125 Illinois ave suite 11, Joplin
Barbería, Peluquería
BellaDona Premier Salon - Joplin, Missouri
1201 Illinois Ave, Joplin
Reed's Barber & Beauty Salon
1651 w. 7th, Joplin
Barbería, Salón de uñas
Coyote Salon
2218 Coyote Dr, Joplin
Ashley Buckmaster Stylist
501 Peachtree Drive, Carthage
Peluquería, Salón de uñas
Forever Young Salon
9945 County Lane 218, Webb City
Cut Loose Salon
2602 Byers Ave, Joplin
Barbería, Peluquería, Salón de uñas
The Kut'n Up Place
1901 E 32nd St, Joplin
Hairbenders of Joplin
5898 N Main St, Joplin
The Lions Den
3816 E 7th St, Joplin
Barbería, Peluquería
608 E 32nd St, Joplin
Salón de uñas
Sport Clips Haircuts of Joplin
430 S. Geneva Ave., Suite 300, Joplin
Barbería, Peluquería
Shawn Phillips, Stylist at Oasis Salon & Day Spa
2915 E. 29th St., Joplin
Peluquería, Servicio de cuidados de la piel
Kelsey Harper Hairstylist
1220 S Main St, Joplin